Best 5 Baby Chick Waterers- Fresh, clean water is vital for the health of your chicks

Baby chick waterers ensure your chicks get a constant supply of fresh, clean water. The best waterers are designed so that chicks can drink plenty of water without spilling any. Also, they should prevent chicks from stepping into the water. If you have a high-quality waterer in your baby chick brooder, you will give your chicks the best start in life.

The most basic chick waterer is a mason jar that attaches to a watering base. However, some have specially designed drinking cups so that your chicks get just the right amount of water. It’s also vital to make sure that the waterer is sturdy enough so that it won’t fall over.

This review contains the five best baby chick waterers that are currently for sale online. Reading this review will help you decide on the best type for your baby chickens.

Best 5 Baby Chick WaterersTo Keep Chicks Water Clean

1. RentACoop Chick Feeder Waterer

The RentACoop waterer for baby chicks is ideal for giving chicks a constant supply of water. The plastic water jar has a handle on it to allow you to hang it at the right height. The waterer is easy to set up, fill, and maintain. Its low-cost means that this waterer is a popular choice among chicken owners.

Best feature: It is easy to hang to keep the waterer at the right height for growing chicks.

Chicken Waterer

2. RentACoop Automatic Refill Chick Cup Drinker Waterer

The RentACoop waterer is an excellent design that automatically fills up the drinking cup for chicks. The cup is always half full to give your chicks a positive drinking experience. This type of bowl mimics the natural way that birds drink from ponds. The waterer holds up to 64 fl. oz (2 l) of water.

Thanks to the easy fill flip cap, there is no mess or bother refilling the container.

Best feature: Easy to refill the container and chicks can’t stand in the drinking cup.

Chicken Waterer

3. Little Giant Glass Baby Chick Waterer

The Little Giant chick waterer is the classic mason jar that does a great of providing water for your baby chicks. The glass jar attaches to a galvanized steel base. The waterer’s base is wide enough to allow plenty of chicks to drink at the same time. The edge of the metal base has a rounded lip to prevent injury. The waterer holds up to 32 fl. oz. (1 l) of water.

Best feature: Wide water trough

Chicken Waterer

4. Rite Farm Products Chick Safety Waterer

We have included Rite Farm waterer because it’s one of the cheapest you’ll find online. The plastic water container fits onto a drinking trough for baby chicks. The plastic drinking tray will also fit standard mason jars. The watering ring has been specially designed so that chicks can’t fall in and this is ideal for small chicks.

Best feature: Low cost

Chicken Waterer

5. Lixit Feeder/Waterer for Young Chicks

The Lixit waterer is perfect for making sure chicks get enough water throughout the day. The watering ring features a narrow trough to keep chicks safe. The trough is big enough for several chicks to drink at the same time. The baby chick waterer also doubles up as a feeder. So, after your chicks grow and no longer require a special waterer, you can use it for feeding chickens.

Best feature: Multi-use baby chick waterer and feeder.

What to consider before purchasing a Waterer for Baby Chicks

Fresh, clean water is vital for the health of your delicate chicks. One of the worst mistakes you can make is to put out a saucer of water for chicks. Baby chicks are prone to fall into the saucers and can drown. Or they can stand in the saucers, contaminating the water with germs and bacteria.

It is crucial to make sure that a suitable waterer for baby chicks doesn’t allow chicks to stand or fall in the trough. This is an important factor in helping to keep the water clean. However, to ensure chicks have the best survival rate, you may need to clean waterers daily.

Another factor to consider is that chicks need constant access to water. So, you need to regularly check water levels to make sure that there’s always enough. However, you’ll also need to ensure that there are enough waterers for the number of chicks in the brooder. Ideally, the waterer should not be more than 24” (60 cm) away from their heating pad.

Remember that you’ll have to “teach” each chick to drink from the trough. All you need to do is dip their beaks into the trough, so they know where they get water from.