Reasons to Choose Sussex Chickens: Discover the Perfect Poultry Companions

When it comes to selecting the ideal chickens for your backyard flock, Sussex chickens stand out as an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced poultry enthusiasts alike. With their charming personalities, striking appearance, and practical attributes, Sussex chickens have earned a well-deserved reputation as one of the most popular breeds among chicken keepers.

In this article, we’ll delve into the captivating world of Sussex chickens and explore the compelling reasons why these delightful birds make a fantastic addition to any free-range chicken farm or homestead. Whether you seek reliable egg layers, gentle companions for families, or simply want to admire their timeless beauty, the versatile Sussex breed is sure to win your heart and become cherished members of your feathered family.

What are Sussex Chickens?

The Sussex is one of the oldest known breeds of chicken. They originated in Sussex County, England, and was developed hundreds of years ago from native local fowl.

The Sussex was displayed in the world’s first Poultry Show in 1845 at London Zoo, and it thereafter became a very popular breed in Canada, where it was crossbred with other chicken breeds. It was traditionally reared as a table bird, as it produces a good volume of tasty meat.

Today, the Sussex chicken is one of forty-two pure breeds of chicken available within Australia. It’s also a popular show bird.

speckled sussex

Characteristics/ Appearance of the Sussex Chicken

Sussex chickens are gritty, graceful, robust birds…

  • Stunning appearance
  • Strong constitution
  • Can handle heat and cold well
  • Mid-sized to large, full body with a rectangular build
  • Wide, flat back and shoulders
  • Long, straight breastbone
  • Short but proportional tail held at a 45-degree angle from the body
  • Naked white feet and legs
  • Single red comb
  • Red earlobes and wattle
  • Unique, beautiful feathering pattern
  • Chicks have chestnut colored markings around the eyes and stripes along their backs
There are a variety of hues available, and the breed standard for the Sussex was devised in 1902. Eight color varieties are recognized by The Poultry Club of Great Britain:
  1. Speckled
  2. Buff
  3. Brown
  4. Light
  5. Red
  6. Silver
  7. White
  8. Coronation.

Coronation Sussex chickens were bred specifically to celebrate King Edward VIII’s coronation in 1936 (this event never came to fruition). They have lavender-hued tail feathers and hackles.

The American Poultry Association only recognizes three colors: red, light, and speckled.

Due to the feathering pattern on the Sussex, it is very good at camouflaging itself against predators, blending in quite easily with their surroundings.

Temperament of the Sussex chickens

Sussex chickens are a very appealing backyard flock bird. They are the perfect blend of calm and gentle with alert and active.

Friendly in nature, they are charming, docile, curious, and wonderful companions who find and maintain their place within their flock’s pecking order.

Sussex Chickens in the Garden

If you’re looking for an egg layer that will double as a beloved pet, Sussexes might be for you. They’re just as happy keeping you company in the garden, foraging alongside you, as they are clucking away in the chicken coop, run, or backyard with their feathery friends.

Sussex chickens are champion foragers and love to free-range looking for (and finding!) grubs. They chatter happily among themselves, and despite being very talkative, they’re not loud or shrill.

Even Sussex roosters have a happy disposition and are a good option if you want to have a resident male in your flock.

Sussex hens, if a rooster is present, are good brooders and gentle mothers to their chicks. They will even enthusiastically take on fertilized eggs if they are entrusted to them. Due to their larger size, a Sussex hen can effectively incubate up to twenty eggs and she will look after the babies well after they have hatched.

How Many Eggs do Sussex chickens Lay

Unlike a lot of other purebred hens, the Sussex is a good, predictable and productive egg layer, providing between 200-250 brown or tinted eggs annually. They even lay in cold conditions. Hens mature and begin laying at 20 weeks.

Do Sussex Chickens have Health Issues or Special Requirements?

As a pure breed, Sussex chickens are an older Heritage variety and tend to live longer than their hybrid counterparts. They grow more slowly than hybrids, begin laying slightly later, and lay for longer (though not as prolifically). Well cared for and protected from predators, your Sussex hens should live for around eight years.

These birds are not prone to health issues. Like any other chicken, you need to provide a clean coop, a balanced diet, fresh water, and plenty of space and fresh air in a safe environment. Birds should be vaccinated, and you need to get veterinary attention for any bird that displays signs of illness or injury.

speckled sussex chicken

Due to their single comb, in very cold conditions the Sussex may be vulnerable to frostbite. Provide plenty of water and shade during summer and be alert for mites or lice.

They can be inclined to put on weight, so be mindful of feeding too many treats! They are not at all fussy about their food. An overweight chicken is not a healthy chicken!

Top 10 Reasons to Choose Sussex Chickens

1/ Gentle and Friendly Personalities:

Sussex chickens are known for their gentle and friendly nature, making them ideal companions for families with children or first-time chicken keepers. Their docile temperament makes handling and interacting with them a joy.

2/ Beautiful and Diverse Plumage:

Sussex chickens boast stunning plumage patterns, including varieties such as Light Sussex, Speckled Sussex, and Red Sussex. Their attractive appearance adds a touch of elegance to any free-range flock.

3/ Excellent Egg Layers:

Sussex hens are prolific layers of large, brown eggs, making them a valuable addition to any egg-centric farm. They consistently lay throughout the year, providing a steady supply of fresh and nutritious eggs.

4/ Cold-Hardy and Adaptable:

Sussex chickens are renowned for their hardiness and ability to thrive in various climates. They handle cold weather exceptionally well, making them suitable for colder regions.

5/ Versatility in Free-Range Living:

Whether you have a spacious backyard or a large homestead, Sussex chickens adapt effortlessly to free-range environments. Their natural foraging instincts make them superb foragers, reducing the need for supplemental feed.

Free Range Sussex Chicken

6/ Low-Maintenance and Easy to Care For:

As a robust and self-sufficient breed, Sussex chickens require minimal maintenance. They are generally healthy birds, provided they receive proper care, nutrition, and clean living space.

7/ Broody and Motherly Instincts:

Sussex hens have strong brooding instincts and make excellent mothers. If you’re interested in hatching chicks naturally, a broody Sussex hen is a reliable and nurturing choice.

8/ Hardy Meat Birds:

In addition to their egg-laying capabilities, some Sussex varieties, like the Speckled Sussex, are valued as dual-purpose breeds. They provide flavorful and tender meat, making them a practical choice for sustainable meat production.

9/ Quiet and Non-Disruptive:

Unlike some noisier chicken breeds, Sussex chickens tend to be relatively quiet and peaceful, making them suitable for urban or suburban settings where noise restrictions may apply.

10/ Heritage Breed Preservation:

By choosing Sussex chickens, you contribute to the preservation of a historic and beloved heritage breed. Supporting and raising these birds helps maintain their genetic diversity and cultural significance for future generations.

In Conclusion

Sussex chickens offer a harmonious combination of beauty, practicality, and gentle disposition, making them an irresistible choice for chicken enthusiasts. Whether you prioritize egg production, meat quality, or seeking friendly and easy-to-care-for birds, the Sussex breed checks all the boxes and brings joy to any poultry-loving home. Embrace the many virtues of Sussex chickens, and you’ll soon discover why they have captured the hearts of chicken keepers worldwide.