Why Rhode Island Red are a Popular Backyard Chicken

rhode island red hen

The Rhode Island Red is probably the most famous American chicken breed. It’s a well-regarded utility breed that is raised for eggs, meat and as a show bird. Many people choose this breed for their backyard flocks because they are reliable layers. They are hardy and they will supplement their diet if they are allowed to forage freely. Every hybrid chicken breed that lays brown eggs is based on the Rhode Island Red.

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What Causes Coccidiosis in Chickens and How to Prevent it

coccidiosis treatment

Keeping your backyard chickens healthy takes more than just providing them with food and shelter. While these are obviously both critical, you also need to maintain your chickens’ health and well being. Like any other living thing, chickens can get sick and suffer from diseases. As the owner of backyard chickens, you need to be aware of this. Coccidiosis in chickens is one of the most common diseases that could impact your backyard flock. It is the foremost killer of brooder chicks.

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